Forms & Permits

Land Use Forms

Land Division, Rezone and/or Merge Application

Farmland Preservation House Siting Conditional Use Permit Application (for siting a home in FPZ lands - A-1, A-1-S, A-1-RZ)

Conditional Use Permit Application (for all CUP's other than home siting in FPZ)

Request for Public Records

Lottery Credit Removal Form

Dog License Application

Dog License Application Form

Business and Alcohol License Applications

Business Owners: All business and alcohol license applications must be sent to the town clerk by May 1st of each year in order to be considered for renewal. If forms are not received in a timely fashion, your license will expire on June 30, and will not be considered until the July board meeting, meaning you will not be legally allowed to serve alcohol from July 1 until the renewal date.

Business Licensing:

Campground License Application

Mobile Home Park License Application

**NEW FOR 2024:  If applicant is an LLC or Corporation, you are required to complete and submit all three forms below (AB-200, AB-100 & AB-101).  If you are an Individual, Sole Proprietor or Partnership, you are required to complete and submit the first two forms (AB-200 & AB-100).

Liquor Licensing:

Cigarettes, Tobacco & Vaping:

Operator's License Application

AT-315 Application for Temporary Class B Retailer's License, formally known as Picnic License


Schedule of Fees

2022 Schedule of Fees (updated 7/2022)

2023 Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/2023)

Building and Construction Permit Applications

Sheboygan County requires all applicants to first provide documentation to the County Planning & Conservation Department verifying the location of the existing septic tank and absorption area as it relates to the addition to the existing structure or proposed accessory structure so the Department can confirm that the proper setbacks between the building system components are met and that the existing septic system will not be adversely affected by the construction.  Please see additional information here:  83.25 Requirements

Building permits will not be issued without letter from Sheboygan County confirming your compliance with these requirements.

New Construction - Residential Packet, (Rev.3/2024)

Building Permit Application , (Rev.3/2024) (for all building or razing, other than New Residential Construction) Building permits now require inspections!  See new form for information.

Driveway Permit (New and Improved Driveways)

Plumbing Permit Application, (Rev. 2/2025)

Electrical Permit Application (Rev.12/2021)

HVAC Permit, (Rev.3/2024) HVAC permits now require inspections!  See new form for information.

Application for Certified Survey

Application For Zoning Variance

Guide for Applicants for Zoning Variance

Miscellaneous Forms

Town Hall Rental Agreement

Employment Application

Open Records Request Form